Thursday, June 28, 2012

Strawberry Peach Honey Yogurt Pops

Before we get too far, have you entered my giveaway yet?! If not, be sure to head on over to my last post to'll only take a minute and you'll have a chance to win a super fun product from Enjoy Life Foods. ;)

K, now down to business.

I'm pretty much on a frozen dessert kick. I haven't baked in two whole weeks (who am I???). Part of that is because I've just been waaaay too busy and haven't had much time to spend in the kitchen. But the other part of that is that summer has arrived and it's been HOT in Boston! Summer + heat = frozen desserts. Clearly. :)

I saw these honey yogurt pops on Pinterest a few weeks ago and knew that at some point I wanted to give them a try. I didn't end up planning when I'd make them; it just happened somewhat serendipitously. I realized one day that I had all the ingredients to make them, along with a few minutes of "free" time, so I got to work on 'em! They really took no time at all (the freezing part is the longest portion of this recipe!).

The recipe is adapted from Joylicious. The original recipe is for honey yogurt berry pops, and it calls for a mixture of different berries. I had peaches and strawberries on hand, so that's what I used! Deeelicious and so refreshing!!


-2 cups Greek yogurt (as you can see, I used Cabot's vanilla bean low fat flavor)
-1/2 cup honey
-1 cup mixed berries or mixed fruit (I used peaches and strawberries)


Mix together the yogurt and honey in a large bowl. Fold in your choice of fruit. Transfer this mixture into a container with a spout so you can pour it into your molds (or, you can use a spoon to spoon it into the molds). Fill your popsicle molds almost to the top, and freeze 3 hours or overnight. Remove pops according to package directions before eating (often, this involves running the molds under warm water for a couple minutes). This recipe made 8 popsicles for me.

Enjoy and feel refreshed!!!

I loooved the flavor of these pops. It was wonderful! And the peaches and strawberry combination was perfect. Such a wonderful summer treat! And rather healthy in the grand scheme of things too. :)


Perfect for those warm summer days we've been having!

What are some of your favorite popsicle flavors, homemade or store bought??!

Hope everyone's having a great week! :)