
Friday, March 8, 2013

Breakfast Pizza (Recipe Re-do)

Haaaaaappy Friiiiiiday, all!

Can you tell that I'm excited the weekend's almost here?

Today I'm sharing with you a recipe that has already been on the blog - breakfast pizza. If you click on this link to go to that post, you can see that it's been quite some time (close to 3 years!) since I blogged about breakfast pizza. And you know what? I also have not made it again since then. Terrible! This is such a wonderful recipe; it's a shame I haven't made it sooner. But now that we recently made it again and have been reminded of how great it is, I know that we'll be making this more often going forward...

One of the nice things about this recipe is one of the same nice things that comes with making pizza for dinner... You have flexibility to add whatever ingredients you'd like! Now, granted, part of what makes this pizza great for breakfast is that it involves eggs, so I do not recommend that you skip the eggs. In my opinion, that's pretty much the main thing that makes this recipe awesome. But otherwise, you can add any other ingredients that you enjoy most! This time around, we added bacon (which we had cooked prior to putting it on the pizza), caramelized onions, tomato, and of course, cheese.

The original recipe I followed a few years back is from Smitten Kitchen. It is very simple! You can make your own dough if you'd like, or just use store bought dough (which we did; we used Whole Foods wheat pizza dough). All you do is simply put your ingredients on the dough as you normally would, and then you crack your eggs over top of the pizza (i.e., the eggs go on last). I sprinkled some ground pepper over top the pizza at this point too.

Bake the pizza at 400 degrees until the eggs are cooked to your liking. This time around, it took a good 16 to 18 minutes for the egg yolks to cook through, but last time I made this, it didn't take quite as long. So, bottom line - keep an eye on this as it bakes. We actually slightly overcooked the eggs this time - oops. We enjoy our eggs slightly runny, and although they were still slightly runny in parts, the egg yolks cooked through a bit more than we anticipated. Oh well! It was still SO good.

Forgive me, but I didn't take too many pictures of the pizza. We were too focused on eating it!!

Here's one slice that I ate (took the photo after I had a small bite first ;)).

A slice that our friend Mary (whom we had over for brunch when we made this) enjoyed...

...and a slice that Mike had! Notice that his is topped with smoked salmon. Love smoked salmon! We didn't put the salmon on the pizza before baking since we didn't want it to cook. Instead, we put it on after the pizza was fully done.

This is absolutely a breakfast/brunch recipe that you need to try if you like pizza and you like eggs. It comes together in no time, and it's great for entertaining. And, it's FUN!

Have a great weekend! :)

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