
Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Favorites, 9.16.11

Happy Friday! TGIF! I need some new Friday-related greetings... Ideas? Thanks! :)

It was a quiet week for me in terms of baking. I did have time to bake but I chose to use my time for other things (e.g., wedding planning research!). But don't you worry. I won't let the wedding consume my life over this next year. Baking will be a priority again soon!

What did I make this week though? Pumpkin ice cream! Amaaaaazing. I can't wait to share that recipe with you soon. In the meantime though, I thought I'd share a few pumpkin-based recipes I drooled over this week. Fall officially begins next week, friends! We must come prepared with lots of pumpkin recipes. :) Of course, there are many other fall flavors of which I am a huge fan. But let's begin with pumpkin, shall we?

With a name like that, how can these not be good?? Oh my goodness.

Recently discovered this blog and am highly enjoying it...  She's got some great recipes on there! And these pumpkin doughnuts with a caramel topping look to-die-for!

Talk about comfort food. This is perfect for the cooler weather coming our way soon!

I had to throw in one savory recipe! What a great idea for hummus. Never thought of making it pumpkin-flavored!

These would make the perfect fall weekend breakfast! And that cinnamon butter? Wowzahs.

Can you believe that I went to the grocery store yesterday specifically to stock up on canned pumpkin but I could not find any?!?? Yikes. Not good. Not this early in the season. Come Thanksgiving I might expect some difficulty finding it, but not this early on before fall has even started! Once I do find it, I am going to buy cans and cans of pumpkin... I may need to rent a storage unit for all the pumpkin I'm going to buy, folks.

Finally, do all of you know about Pinterest? Love love love this site! You've gotta check it out if you haven't yet. All of the recipes in my round-up today I found on pinterest. I am becoming slightly addicted to it. It's become especially useful for gathering wedding-related ideas. Come on over and follow some of my boards, if you'd like!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. Well, if I weren't already ready and willing to start baking with pumpkin, I would be after seeing all of these. I could kiss you for this.

  2. now I'm craving pumpkin...and thinking I really need to check out pinterest, I keep hearing about it!
